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Citation index for life sciences and biomedical research. Subject coverage includes traditional topics such as microbiology and botany, and interdisciplinary areas such as biochemistry and public health. Includes cited reference searching, which allows the user to take one paper and find articles that cite the original paper. Also, allows user to find all papers by one author.
Contains journals and monographs covering agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution and waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. Full text for many articles available.
Covers all aspects of human impact to the environment. Includes scholarly and general-interest titles. Subjects covered include global climate change, sustainable agriculture, and renewable energy. Some sources available full-text.
Provides full text for more than 1,370 journals indexed in MEDLINE. Contains many of the most used journals in the MEDLINE index - with no embargo. Full-text coverage dating back to 1965.
Contains journals, books, magazines, and trade publications in the areas of food science, nutrition, and other related areas. Most sources available full text. Subjects include agribusiness, food safety, and food-related product development.
Index and abstracts for articles about plants and gardens. Topics include horticulture, botany, garden and landscape design and history, ecology, plant and garden conservation, garden management, and horticultural therapy.
Full text access to scholarly research in the disciplines of applied science and computing. Subjects covered included: artificial intelligence, engineering, plastics, communication and information technology, and more.
Contains original peer reviewed scientific articles from 11 journals. Coverage from 1665 to the present in the fields of biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, math, and the history of science. Includes research articles, as well as review articles, obituaries, and brief reports.
Database indexing over 8,000 science, medical, and technology journals. Some items full-text. Includes cited reference searching, which allows the user to take one paper and find articles that cite the original paper. Also allows user to find all papers by one author.
Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. Topics covered include biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health and medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology, and wildlife.
Includes the full text of more than 7000 online research journals covering many subject areas
Content includes: Academic Press, 1993- ; American Chemical Society, 1996- ; American Institute of Physics,1997-; American Physical Society, 1985- ; Association for computing Machinery (ACM), 1991- ; Biomed Central, 1999/2000- ; BioOne, 2000- ; Blackwell Publishers, 1999- ; Blackwell Science, 1999- ; Cambridge University Press, 1999- ; Elsevier Science, 1995- ; Emerald, 1994- ; Institute of Physics, 1991- ; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996- ; Optical Society of America, 1999- ; Project MUSE, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996/97- (some earlier to 1990-); Royal Society of Chemistry, 1997- ; SAGE, 2000- ; Springer-Verlag, 1996- ; Thieme Medical Publishers, 2000- ; and Wiley, 1997- .
Multidisciplinary citation index with a collection of over 21,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Allows citation searching. This includes discovery of how many times a particular author or article has been cited and by whom. Users can also find later works which cite a specific article, allowing tracing the development of a research path.