Types of Misinformation and Disinformation
House of Commons Select Committee on Culture, Media, and Sport. (2018, July 29). Disinformation and 'fake news': Interim Report. https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmcumeds/363/36304.htm#_idTextAnchor002
Two of the more well-known satirical brands are the Onion and The Daily Show. The Onion is a mostly text-based (articles) website and The Daily Show airs on Comedy Central and also posts shows and clips online. Here are few examples of their work.
The Onion
Trump Confident U.S. Military Strike On Syria Wiped Out Russian Scandal
GOP Makes Good On 2009 Promise To Block President’s Healthcare Bill
Trump Unveils Sprawling New Presidential Retreat Where He Can Escape From Stresses Of Mar-A-Lago
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Sean Spicer: Kindergarten Press Secretary. https://youtu.be/3RCcrt56tO0