The previous tabs explained the types of fake news and misinformation/disinformation and provided tools and resources to help you spot them. But you'd save some time and even anxiety if you are careful about the news you take in and sources of information you choose to use. The following boxes on this page provide you with ways to smartly select your news.
How to Choose Your News -- Damon Brown
Your Filter Bubble
So what is a "filter bubble?" Eli Pariser wrote the book The Filter Bubble in 2012 and then did a TED Talk ("Beware online 'filter bubbles'") on the concept, popularizing the term in the United States. In the TED Talk, he notes the personalization Google, Facebook, and other online companies use to control what information the viewer is exposed to. Pariser defines it this way:
...if you take all of these filters together, you take all these algorithms, you get what I call a filter bubble. And your filter bubble is your own personal, unique universe of information that you live in online. And what's in your filter bubble depends on who you are, and it depends on what you do. But the thing is that you don't decide what gets in. And more importantly, you don't actually see what gets edited out.
What does this mean for you? You must actively seek out sources that are different than the way you think, what you believe about current issues and even simply how you view the world. Break out of your filter bubble!
The Filter Bubble is part of the CML collection -- the location is provided below.
This Media Bias Chart is one view of how news outlets fall in the Liberal-Mainstream-Conservative viewpoints. This was created in 2016. For the most recent and interactive version of the Media Bias Chart, go here:
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