Discovery Service can be a great place to start looking for sources!
"Google like" search of most of the databases and resources the library has access to.This is also accessible as the default search box on the library’s homepage.
Database containing periodicals, including scholarly journals, and other resources in the fields of business, management, finance, accounting, international business, and economics. Includes market research reports, SWOT analyses, and industry profiles. Most documents available full-text.
Contains journals and monographs covering agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution and waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. Full text for many articles available.
Includes current indexing and abstracts of the world's leading journals in political science. This database contains over 400,000 records from over 1,000 journals published from 1951 to the present. Content covered includes political science, political sociology, political psychology, international relations, international law, human rights, conflict studies, ethnic studies, and other related fields.
Indexing and abstracts for predominantly peer-reviewed sources related to peace and conflict resolution research. Besides peer-reviewed journals, other types of sources include government documents, speeches, and fugitive materials. Topics covered include nonviolence, war, international affairs, and peace psychology.
Includes hundreds of full text journals and thousands of conference papers. Covers political topics including comparative government, ideology, international relations, partisanship, political theory, public administration, and systems of governance.
Indexing and abstracting for a collection of academic journals, books, periodicals, and newspapers covering ethnic and racial studies. Subjects include immigration studies, community relations, discrimination, cultural identity, and more.
Provides full text of journal articles, and indexing and informative abstracts for "core" coverage journals dating back to 1895, plus "priority" coverage journals and "selective" coverage journals. Extensive indexing for books, monographs, conference papers, and other sources is included. Subdisciplines of sociology covered include criminology and criminal justice, ethnic and racial studies, gender studies, rural and urban sociology, social psychology, sociological theory, substance abuse and other addictions, and more.
Provides indexing and abstracting of journals, books and other important reference sources in the humanities. The database includes citations and abstracts for articles, essays and reviews, as well as original creative works including poems, fiction, photographs, paintings and illustrations. Full text is available for many.
Multidisciplinary database with scholarly journals and primary sources such as serials and documents. Coverage from date of publication through about three to five years ago. Access to images is also provided which is especially helpful for students taking art and art history courses.
NOTE: Shawnee State University does not have full access to JSTOR. Limit by “Content I can access” in the left sidebar of the result list to see freely available sources.
Multidisciplinary citation index with a collection of over 21,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Allows citation searching. This includes discovery of how many times a particular author or article has been cited and by whom. Users can also find later works which cite a specific article, allowing tracing the development of a research path.