Acland's Video Atlas of Human AnatomyThis link opens in a new windowCollection of about 330 3D videos, demonstrating the movement of muscles, tendons, and joints, that uses real human anatomic specimens. Excellent for those taking anatomy classes.
Credo Academic CoreThis link opens in a new windowMultidisciplinary online reference library, providing access to the full text of hundreds of highly regarded and popular titles, including handbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries and more.Please note: You may experience a "connection refused" error message. Refresh the browser and Credo will load correctly.
HealthFinderThis link opens in a new windowInformation and tools to help you and those you care about stay healthy.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic EditionThis link opens in a new windowProvides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals, including nearly 450 peer-reviewed journals, focusing on many medical disciplines. Also featured are abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals. Includes Clinical Pharmacology, which provides access to up-to-date, concise, and clinically relevant drug monographs for U.S. prescription drugs, herbal and nutritional supplements, over-the-counter products, and new drugs. Health Source provides access to Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary.
MEDLINE with Full Text (Ebsco)This link opens in a new windowProvides full text for more than 1,370 journals indexed in MEDLINE. Contains many of the most used journals in the MEDLINE index - with no embargo. Full-text coverage dating back to 1965.
Merck ManualsThis link opens in a new windowMedical information with portals for both medical professionals and students, and the general public. Includes thousands of topics. The professional version includes information on etiology, diagnosis, and treatment for medical conditions. Images provided include x-rays, CT scans, and more. The consumer version includes easy to understand information on health topics, symptoms and their causes, and information about drugs.
PubMedThis link opens in a new windowProvides free access to MEDLINE, the National Library of Medicine database of more than 11 million bibliographic citations and abstracts in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, and preclinical sciences. Includes access to additional selected life sciences journals not in MEDLINE. Links to the full-text of articles at participating publishers web sites.
Springer Nature ExperimentsThis link opens in a new windowReproducible laboratory protocols in the biomedical and life sciences, compiling protocols from the book series Methods in Molecular Biology and other sources. Provides access to over thirty years of step-by-step protocols for immediate use in the lab.
Web of Science Core CollectionThis link opens in a new windowMultidisciplinary citation index with a collection of over 21,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Allows citation searching. This includes discovery of how many times a particular author or article has been cited and by whom. Users can also find later works which cite a specific article, allowing tracing the development of a research path.