Welcome, Senior Seminar and Capstone Students!
Congratulations on nearing the end! You have a major paper ahead of you and the library stands ready to provide you with the resources and help you may need.
This guide will inform you of those resources and provide tutorials on how to use them.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. The contact information is in the Getting Help tab.
Research Guides
Research Guides provide helpful information and resources to use for a specific subject. This can be helpful for finding the best databases or other electronic resources to use.
A link to Research Guides by Subject is located on the library homepage.
When you click on that link, you'll see areas that indicate departments or areas. Click on the department or broad subject area and you'll see ones specific to a subject (Psychology, Nursing, etc.)
Within these databases is often a tab called "Find Articles" or "Databases." That tab can be especially helpful with identifying the databases that focus on your topic.